Bitmap vs. B-Tree Indexes in Oracle SQL

Ismat Samadov
3 min readJan 10, 2024
Photo by Resource Database on Unsplash

Imagine you’re lost in a vast library, searching for a specific book. You could blindly wander every aisle, or you could consult the index at the front. Indexes in Oracle SQL work similarly, guiding you efficiently to the data you need.

But just like there are different library indexes (alphabetical, subject, etc.), Oracle offers two main types: B-tree and bitmap indexes. Choosing the right one can dramatically impact your query performance. So, grab your reading glasses and let’s explore these indexing magicians!

B-Tree Indexes: The Structured Signposts

Think of a B-tree index as a meticulously organized family tree for your data. Each level branches out based on values, leading you closer to the specific rows you seek.

It’s ideal for situations where:

  • You have high-cardinality data: Lots of unique values in the indexed column. B-trees efficiently navigate through these branches.
  • You often search for a specific range of values: Need to find all customers between ages 25 and 35? B-trees excel at navigating such ranges.
  • You only need a few rows: B-trees efficiently identify the exact rows you need.

Bitmap Indexes: The Colorful Maps

