Machine Learning and Cryptography

Ismat Samadov
5 min readJan 15, 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, the intersection of machine learning and cryptography has become a captivating field.

Imagine a fortress: its thick walls and intricate defenses keeping enemies at bay. That’s what cryptography is all about — safeguarding our information in a hostile digital world.

But just like any fortification, even the most formidable walls need occasional renovation. Enter machine learning (ML), a powerful new weapon in the fight for data security.

Photo by NFT gallery on Unsplash

Cryptography, the art of securing communication and data, has traditionally relied on mathematical algorithms.

However, the integration of machine learning brings a new dimension to this age-old practice. Let’s delve into how these two seemingly disparate realms come together to enhance the security landscape.

Understanding Cryptography
Think of it as secret codes and ciphers, like those used by spies in old movies. These codes scramble information, making it unreadable to anyone without the key. This ensures the confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity of our data.

Before we dive into machine learning’s role, let’s grasp the fundamentals of cryptography. Cryptography involves creating codes or ciphers to protect sensitive information from unauthorized…

